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Tensor Rank and Strong Quantum Nondeterminism in Multiparty Communication

机译:多党群中的张量秩和强量子非确定性   通讯



In this paper we study quantum nondeterminism in multiparty communication.There are three (possibly) different types of nondeterminism in quantumcomputation: i) strong, ii) weak with classical proofs, and iii) weak withquantum proofs. Here we focus on the first one. A strong quantumnondeterministic protocol accepts a correct input with positive probability,and rejects an incorrect input with probability 1. In this work we relatestrong quantum nondeterministic multiparty communication complexity to the rankof the communication tensor in the Number-On-Forehead and Number-In-Handmodels. In particular, by extending the definition proposed by de Wolf to {\itnondeterministic tensor-rank} ($nrank$), we show that for any boolean function$f$ when there is no prior shared entanglement between the players, 1) in theNumber-On-Forehead model, the cost is upper-bounded by the logarithm of$nrank(f)$; 2) in the Number-In-Hand model, the cost is lower-bounded by thelogarithm of $nrank(f)$. Furthermore, we show that when the number of playersis $o(\log\log n)$ we have that $NQP\nsubseteq BQP$ for Number-On-Foreheadcommunication.
机译:在本文中,我们研究了多方通信中的量子不确定性。量子计算中存在三种(可能)不同类型的不确定性:i)强,ii)具有经典证明的弱性,以及iii)具有量子证明的弱性。在这里,我们专注于第一个。一个强的量子不确定性协议以正概率接受正确的输入,并以概率1拒绝错误的输入。在这项工作中,我们将强量子不确定性多方通信复杂性与前额数模型和手数模型中的通信张量的等级相关联。特别地,通过将​​de Wolf提出的定义扩展到{\ itnondeterministic tensor-rank}($ nrank $),我们表明对于任何布尔函数$ f $,当玩家之间没有事先共享的纠缠时,1) -在额头模型中,成本是$ nrank(f)$的对数上限; 2)在手数模型中,成本受$ nrank(f)$对数的下限限制。此外,我们证明了当参与者的数量为$ o(\ log \ log n)$时,我们具有用于额头通信的$ NQP \ nsubseteq BQP $。



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